Saturday, October 11, 2008

Obama Country.....

I did what I believed was the patriotic thing to do.........offered my time, gas money, tolls and money required to eat and drink. The funny thing is........they didn't need me here. This IS an Obama/Biden area of Philadelphia. I am not a person of great "means", so I would ask, why here?

I could've stayed in my home in NY and canvassed/cold called........and got the same results. At an early hour of the morning, NO ONE, wants to be awakened on a Saturday be asked to do anything. BUT.........when you live in an area that is 98% voting for Obama REALLY don't want people calling you.

I think I'll stay local, and do what I can for our local pol's; cost less, I'll know what I'm getting in to, and makes more sense............however, I still stand strong and urge everyone who's legally registered, (oy vey, with that) .....VOTE........NOVEMEBER 4, 2008!

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